Lily of The Valley Baptist Church Ushers


Converting men to the faith of Christ.
And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges,
and compel them to come in, that my house my be filled.  Luke 14:23

We as a church community believe that everyone plays a part in the body of Christ,
having many different functions, serving one purpose through spreading the Gospel

Our motto is: “when one hurt we all hurt, when one cry we all cry, when one celebrate we all rejoice.
Creating an environment “where every is somebody in Jesus name.”


Living a life where God can use you.


Lily of the Valley Senior Usher board came into existence in 1984 when current President,
Sister Delia Smith-Davis went to the Pastor, Rev. Dr. Madison Bryson, Jr., and spoke of the need for ushers in our church.

Our First President

Sister Louise Sutton
Sister Sally Smith
Sister Joanne Lewis

Current Officers

President – Sister Delia Smith-Davis
Vice President – Sister Janice Webster
Recording Secretary – Sister Cherly D. Smith
Treasurer – Sister Beverly Ashby
Chaplain – Sister Barbara McNeill

Our meetings re held the first Friday of each month
6:30  Signa & Signals
7:00 Meeting


Annual Candlelight sermon is 1st Sunday, October each year
Annual Musical is the 4th Sunday in August at 6:00 p.m.